Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"Mommy, you look like you're dying"

This is what my 4 year old said to me yesterday as I lay in bed with the migraine from hell, feeling like I was indeed dying.

I had planned SO much yesterday, including dyeing yarn, laundry, cleaning the bathrooms and much much more. But alas, I got sidelined. Thank goodness my 8 year old has the week off. He took excellent care of me. ;)

I feel much better today though, but I've got TONS of work to catch up on...


Michelle said...

I get migraines too-they are the worst! Hope you're feeling better :)

LillyShayStyle said...

What a sweet little helper :)

SleightGirl said...

Oooh! Feel better! I can bearly handle regular headaches, I can't even imagine dealing with a migrain.